Fire Fighting Services

Preventive Maintenance of Fire Alarm & Fire Protection System

Check and trouble shoot cables in the Fire Alarm System

Supplying of new portable fire extinguishers

Servicing of existing portable fire extinguishers on annual basis complete with renewal of Bomba Certificate

Check all Hydrant System

Provide full report on the Check all Hydrant System system checks conducted.
Upgrading of existing Fire Alarm Panels inclusive of cabling work
Supplying new Fire Alarm Panel approved by Bomba including cabling and programming.
Designing approved by the relevant authority.
Getting approval of drawings for new projects after completion of the job
Installation of complete Hosereel System inclusive of pumps and starter panels.
Installation of complete Sprinkler System inclusive of pumps and starter panels
Installation of CO2 & Suppression System for all Mechanical and Electrical Rooms.

Univisual Integrated Sdn Bhd have been appointed as the official dealer for Securiton Main Fire Alarm Panel & Conventional type of Fire Alarm Panel which belongs to the Swiss Securitas Group, is a member of the SES, the Swiss Association of Installers of Security Systems since 1948